NoSQL operator: unique

Makes a table unique on the key field.

Usage: unique [options]

    --input (-i) 'file'
      Read input from 'file' instead of STDIN.

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.

    --no-header (-N)
      Suppress the table header from output.

    --last (-l)
      If the input table contains duplicated column names
      pick the last occurrence of each. The default is to
      pick the first one. This is sometimes useful after
      the 'jointable' operator.


The input table does not need to be sorted in any way, but it is
always assumed to have the primary key field in its leftmost column.
The order in which records are printed on output is not necessarily
the same as the one on input.